Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Obstetrician is concerned with women during and a little after pregnancy. Obstetricians are also concerned with the health of the fetus. Obstetrics, which focuses on the care of women before, during, and after childbirth; and gynecology, which involves the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the female reproductive system, breasts, and associated disorders. Relationships with patients are long-term and are often maintained from puberty and reproductive life up to the postmenopausal stage of a patient's life.
Infertility Workup
Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive a child despite trying for 1 year. The condition affects about 5.3 million Indians, or 15% of the reproductive age population. Impairment in any step of this intricate process of conception can cause infertility. For a woman to become pregnant, her partner’s sperm quantity and quality must be adequate enough to fertilize her egg. An egg, released by the woman’s ovaries, must be in the fallopian tube ready to be fertilized. Next, the fertilized egg, called an embryo, must make its way through an open-ended fallopian tube into the uterus, implant in the uterine lining, and be sustained there while it grows. Depending on what the tests turn up, different treatments are recommended. Drugs or surgery are used to treat infertility in 80% to 90% of cases. New, more complex assisted reproductive technologies, or ART procedures, include In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). IVF or a more advanced procedure called ICSI(Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) makes it possible to combine sperm and egg in a laboratory for healthy embryo formation.
Antenatal Registration with delivery
An obstretician's consultation before planning pregnancy can go a long way for a safe motherhood. Advice regarding nutrition and prior medical conditions which need to be corrected before pregnancy is very important. A regular antenatal check up with your doctor every two to three weeks during pregnancy and later more frequently in the final stages of pregnancy is crucial for both the mother and child's health. Regular blood investigations and ultrasound ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy. Knowledge about the modes of delivery is important for both the parents. We offer painless normal delivery in our hospital. Instrumental delivery or Caeserian section is equally safe in expert hands.
Endoscopic Surgery
Endoscopy is a key hole procedure that allows a doctor to observe the inside of the body without performing open surgery.Endoscopies are more or less day care surgeries with key hole scars and are generally painless. Compared with the stress experienced by the body in a full surgical procedure, an endoscopy is simple, cosmetic, low risk, and cost effective. Basic surgeries like tubal ligation ( family planning surgery), Diagnostic Hystero Laproscopy and advanced surgeries like operative Hystero Laproscopy with cyst removal, fibroid removal, Septum reception, Adhesiolysis and Total Laproscopic Hysterectomy (Uterus Removal) can be safely performed by endoscopy.Recovery time following endoscopy is rapid, usually a few hours to one day or so.
Family Planning surgery
We have state of the art Operation theater that ensure easy and quick family planning surgery. Family planning is the voluntary planning and action taken by individuals to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Family planning services include counseling and education, cafeteria approach about various methods of family planning offered by Indian Government.Family planning methods include barrier, Hormonal pills and injections, IUCDs(Copper T) and surgical procedures like tubal ligation and vasectomy ( Male Family planning surgery).
Cancer Screening/Whole body Checkup
As we grow old we need to ensure that we keep a tab on how our body is reacting to various stress and pollutions. As they say early detection is half cure.The National Cancer Institute estimates that 30% to 35% of cancer deaths could be avoided through screening. Full body screening can easily detect various cancers and common malignancies. Discovering disease before symptoms occur allows for more effective treatment that is less costly or invasive.Full body screening is recommended for women over age 35, especially those at high risk for gynacelogical malignancies. Commonest cancers in women of India are breast, cervical, ovarian and Uterine cancer. A thorough clinical examination, basic tests like ultra sound, Pap smear, mamography and blood tests can easily diagnose these cancers at early stages and offer efffective treatment and cure.
Premarital Counselling
We offer premarital (prewedding) counselling for a healthy and wonderful married life. It includes communication skills, blood group screening, screening for common medical disorders in high risk groups andd a mandatory screening of certain understanding of normal sexual activity & ways to initiate and improve physical intimacy with all important issues addressed.